Learn how to get started with
Board to Website Widget
for monday.com
Learn how to install the app and how to use
Board to Website Widget for monday.com
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Which image formats are supported in the grid layout?
Supported image formats include jpg, jpeg, png, gif, svg and webp.
Which board data is exported when a widget is published?
All board items including files are transfered to a secure content delivery network.
How do I embed a widget on my website?
Once published, just copy the Embed code and paste it in your website backend at the appropriate place.
Do I have to update my share link or embed code everytime I publish a widget?
No, the share link and embed code are always preserved and don't change.
Are changes in my board reflected in published widgets?
No, at the moment you have to republish the widget manually with the updated board items. Or you can use automations to publish your widget automatically, the monthly limit is at 100 automations total.
What happens to my widgets when I uninstall the app?
All published widgets and their related data will be deleted within 5 days after the app was uninstalled.
Can monday.com guests and viewers use the app?
No, currently the app is limited to actual members of your monday.com account.