How do I make use of Spreadsheet Gorilla for

Spreadsheet Gorilla is a powerful tool for everything spreadsheets on and beyond. In this guide we will explore all the apps' features like exporting to Excel, and how you can utilize them.

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What is Spreadsheet Gorilla?

Before we dive into each feature, let's take a quick look at the apps concept of spreadsheet templates and overview all core features. Spreadsheet Gorilla is your all-in-one solution for creating, maintaining, and exporting spreadsheets directly on Spreadsheet Gorilla gives you superpowers, that let you combine, modify, filter and export your board data into spreadsheets.

  • Combine boards: Merge boards in spreadsheets, across one or more worksheets
  • Calculate formulas: Formulate board column values, horizontally and vertically
  • Update board columns: Cast formula results into different boards
  • Export to Excel: Export manually or with automations and email the spreadsheet

Spreadsheet templates

What are spreadsheet templates?

Spreadsheet templates are your starting point for everything. Think of spreadsheet templates as a configurable abstraction layer in between your boards and spreadsheets. In these templates you define the mappings between the board columns and the spreadsheet columns, remove and add specific board columns from one or multiple boards, create worksheets like in Excel, define filters to include or exclude specific board items, and create advanced Excel-like formulas.

You can use spreadsheet templates to export board items manually to Excel and CSV, or to create email message templates for further use in your automations. Let's summarize what the benefits of spreadsheet templates are:

  • Combine boards by appending them to one or more worksheets
  • Map your board columns to the spreadsheet columns
  • Remove, add and resort your board columns
  • Apply filter rules to include or exclude specific board items
  • Calculate with advanced Excel-like formulas across worksheets
  • Define and apply basic formattings to spreadsheet columns
  • Take a snapshot of a board state and save it directly on
  • Export boards to Excel, manually or automated

Sharing templates

How to make your spreadsheet templates accessible to all other team members across your account

It's common use, that you want to share and make your spreadsheet templates accessible across your team. By default, spreadsheet templates are set to private and only visible to their creator.

While having your spreadsheet template open, click the Lock icon at the center top, next to the template name, to toggle the template accessibilty across all board views. As the creator of a spreadsheet template, you can also quickly check the private or public status of a template in your dashboard. When there is a yellow lock icon visible, it's set to private.

Combining boards

How to combine multiple boards across workspaces on into unified Excel spreadsheets

The first core feature gives you the ability to easily combine multiple boards into one or multiple worksheets just like in an Excel spreadsheet. By default, when creating a new spreadsheet template, there is one board added (the one where you added the app) to your spreadsheet template including all board columns.

Choose the boards to combine

To add another board to your template, you have two options. But first you need to choose and add the desired boards to your template, for that click the Boards button at the top right, or click the Choose boards link beyond the last board column mapping. Once you moved all boards in the layer to the Selected boards, click Done to proceed.

Add boards to the same worksheet

Now that you have additional boards added to your spreadsheet template, you can either append a board to the same worksheet or to another one. To append a board to the same worksheet, head over to the bottom where the Choose boards link appears, and choose your desired board from the dropdown. Then click the Plus + button, and the chosen board will be appended. Now add and select the board columns from the appended board to your needs.

Add boards to another worksheet

In case you prefer to add a board to a different worksheet, head to the top of your spreadsheet template where it says Sheet1, and click the Plus + button next to it. Now that you have created another worksheet, go ahead and choose your desired board from the dropdown and click the Plus + button next to it. That way you have added another board to a second worksheet.

Mapping columns

How to map your board columns to the spreadsheet columns and add, remove or resort them to your needs

Spreadsheet templates let you easily add, remove or resort board columns without touching the original boards. This can be useful if you want to remove columns that hold information for internal use only for example, or you need to adjust the column order when combining multiple boards with different structures.

To add a new column simply click the Add column button next to the Add filters button, and a new column will be added beyond the last column. To remove a column, click the Trash icon next to each mapping column at the very right. If you want to resort the order of your columns, click and hold the Drag icon next to each mapping column at the very left. In case you want to change the mapping for a specific board column, click the dropdown of a board column and choose a different one.

Customize columns

How to change the font type, the font size and its color, the cell background color and the text alignment for a spreadsheet cell

You have some very basic options in your spreadsheet template, that let you modify each spreadsheet cell visually like for colors or text alignment. Just click on Column A in your first mapping row for example, and a layer will pop up with all the available options. These options include basic Font settings and Cell settings.

Font settings that you can modify are the Font type, the Font size, Bold, Italic, Underline and the Font color. Cell settings that you can modify are the Text alignment (left, center, right) and the Cell background color. You have to define them one by one for each spreadsheet column for the first time you set up your spreadsheet template.

Filtering items

How to apply custom filters with conditional rules to explicitly include or exclude specific board items

Spreadsheet templates enables you to add filters for specific board items that should be included or excluded in your spreadsheets, without touching your actual board filters. Each appended board in a spreadsheet template has their own set of filter rules.

To add such a board filter, click the Add filters button next to the Add column button. Now you can choose a condition for all rules, which can be either AND or OR. Further you can define a custom sorting based on the available board columns. To add a new rule, you first want to select a column, followed by an operator, a value type, and the actual value to filter for. Based on the selected column, the value can be optional. Now click the Add rule button, and if you're done, click the Apply button in the right bottom corner.

Using formulas

How to use advanced Excel-like formulas to calculate values across boards and optionally update board items

Spreadsheet templates let you make use of custom and advanced formulas to calculate in between board items (vertical and horizontal) across different boards. You can either leverage these formulas directly in your exported spreadsheets, or you can use them to manually update board item columns one by one or in bulk in another board.

To access the formula column, you simply need to swap the column type from Board column to Formula by clicking the very first dropdown on a mapping row of your choice. Watch the following tutorial video to get a quick overview on how to use formula columns in a spreadsheet template.

Exporting to Excel

How to export Excel spreadsheets manually or with automations to email them as an attachment or inline table

Spreadsheet templates let you easily export one or more boards as Excel spreadsheet. You can either export Excel spreadsheets manually and on demand, or periodically with automations.

In case you want to export manually, just head over to the Create button at the very top right in your spreadsheet template, next to the Preview button. Click the button and proceed the steps onscreen. If you want to automate the export process, watch the tutorial video down below to get a complete overview.


Spreadsheet Gorilla is the most universal tool for managing and creating spreadsheets directly on

In conclusion, Spreadsheet Gorilla offers a comprehensive solution for managing, manipulating, and exporting data from boards seamlessly into Excel spreadsheets. With its powerful features like combining multiple boards, mapping columns, applying custom filters, utilizing formulas, and exporting to Excel manually or with automations, Spreadsheet Gorilla enhances productivity and flexibility for users. Whether you're merging boards, recalculating values, or automating exports, Spreadsheet Gorilla empowers users to leverage data efficiently and effectively, bridging the gap between and spreadsheet functionalities.

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